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Trofea do Age of Booty [Age of Booty Trophies] PlayStation 3

Oto lista Tofeów do zdobycia w Age of Booty.

Gold Trophies

King's Pardon
Beat every challenge in the game.

Old Salt
Win 50 public games online.


Silver Trophy

Beat all hard challenges.

Bronze Tophies

Create and save a custom map.

Bombs Away
Destroy a neutral or enemy town's defense with a bomb.

Flushed Away
Use a whirlpool curse to teleport an enemy that is attacking your town.

Cherry Picker
Capture a neutral town after the enemy has destroyed its defenses.

Boom Boom
Sink two enemy ships with a single bomb. 

On the Account
Beat all medium challenges.

Sea Legs
Win 5 public games online.



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UID: 975
Trofea do Age of Booty [Age of Booty Trophies]
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